Monday, 13 February 2012

2012 Calendar

February 14th - First Class (first semestre)
February 21st - Carnival - no classes

April 5th - Maundy Thursday - no classes

May 1st - Labour Day - no classes
May 3rd - Review before test
May 8th - Test 1

June 1th - Corpus Christi - no classes
June 28th - Last Class (first semestre)

August 2nd - First Class (second semestre)
August 30th - Review before test

September 4th - Test 2

October 8th - 12th - Hispanidad - no classes

November 8th - Review before test
November 13th - Test 3
November 15th - Republic Day - no classes
November 20th - Public Holiday - no classes
November 29th - Last Class (second semestre)

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Song of the fortnight

Due to Gabriela's and Rafaela's request, here's another song. It may not be the most fashionable one, and obviously not the original video, but it's certainly sweet. Sorry, it's not about vamps, Gabriela.  Have fun you all!
Bruno Mars - Marry You
This guy hired a group of people to lip-dub Bruno Mars' song to ask his girlfriend's hand in marriage. Soooo cute! It's fun to watch. Get inspired or just dream away!!!!


At this level you should start getting used to looking up words in an English/English dictionary. Here are some of the best:

- Cambridge International Dictionary
- Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners
- Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
- Oxford Advanced Learner's


Dear Teens C Student,

Here is the channel for you to learn a bit more and get help whenever you need.
Throughout the year you'll have to write some compositions and you'll be able to get ideas, see model writings and tips on how your composition should be like.
There will also be a fun section where you'll be able to read news and learn the lyrics to some songs.

Hope you enjoy!
